Providence College Ethics Line

The College relies on its faculty and staff to perform their duties and responsibilities in accordance with established policies and procedures. The College provides various mechanisms to assist and encourage faculty, staff, and others to come forward in good faith with reports or concerns about suspected compliance issues. Individuals may report such issues without fear of reprisal or retaliation.

Please click on this link to view the Whistleblower Policy/Providence College Ethics Line web page.

Providence College has established an Ethics Line through independent EthicsPoint website where reports can be filed.

EthicsPoint is a comprehensive and anonymous Internet and telephone-based reporting tool that assists management and faculty and staff in working together to address fraud, misconduct, and other violations in the workplace, while helping to cultivate a positive work environment.

EthicsPoint helps ensure that employees can file a report anonymously and in the manner most comfortable or convenient to the individual. To report via the toll free phone number, call 1-800-523-5145, or please click on the link below to make a report via the internet.

Providence College Ethics Line
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